Peter Meindertsma's skills: an overview
Here you'll find a summary of Peter Meindertsma's skills. Most of these are computer related, so these are listed seperately.
Computer related skills
Programming languages, in order of experience:
- PHP (& MySQL)
- JavaScript & Ajax
- R
- Pascal
- Delphi
- Actionscript
- Content Management Systems (CMS) - Joomla & WordPress and creating a customized CMS for the Popkwiz sites.
- Photoshop
- Flash (basics)
- MS Office (Access, PowerPoint, Word, Excel)
- MS Windows
- Audition (Cool Edit Pro), Cubase
- Computer hardware skills (replace, add, config e.a.)
Other skills & experiences
This list is but a basic indication of Peter's skills and can never be complete.
- Creating and maintaining commercial websites
- Hosting choices, link-exchange, statistics, customer e-mail correspondence. See projects for more details.
- Online marketing
- Banners (creation and placement), ad-networks, AdSense.
- Teaching
- Teach, give presentations, preparing course material, creating assignments and grading. See career for more details.
- Webdesign
- Design, development, usability, feedback, presentation etc.
- Search engine optimization
- See career for more details.
- Writing & creating content
- Creating questions, texts, writing advice documents or manuals. In Dutch as well as in English.
- Organizing pub quizzes
- Creating quizzes, planning, promotion, art-work (posters), sound-editing, presentation, devices and much more. See also hobbies.